The challenge many are facing
Service Integration & Management (SIAM) is being widely talked about by IT Leaders.
Why? Because many are tired of watching their strategy and day-to-day delivery of IT services suffer because of supplier contracts and agreements that can’t support agile, digital delivery. Many are also suffering from the clash between their internal digital delivery model and the waterfall models being adopted by their suppliers and service integrator.
Inputs to a successful Digital SIAM Model
So, when you are addressing the Digital SIAM model that you need, here are some key inputs that you can include in your thought process –
– What are our main business goals and objectives? How do we achieve competitive advantage through faster paced delivery & greater control of complex delivery?
– What are our main Service Relationships & how do they map to business outcomes?
– Does our commercial framework and contracts support SIAM, and if not, what needs to change? Collaboration is key, NOT pure process adherence.
– What are the key business services and how does each `tower` contribute to the overall delivery?
– How does our end-to-end Service Delivery model need to work, and what is the level of integration between suppliers (including cloud environments)?
– How strong is our current level of `agility`, how mature is it, and what is the level of integration across our company and our 3rd parties?
– Where do we want to set the `Watermark` in the SIAM model, and the split between the retained organisation and supplier delivery?
– Do we have a clear view on roles & responsibilities within the SIAM model?
– Does our existing tooling and integration support and enable the current approach?
– Is there a clear view on how we expect Governance to work and how key suppliers feed into it?
By setting your longer-term goals around the SIAM model you need, you can begin plotting your way towards it.
A solution to this challenge
To discuss the shorter-term goals, you can aim for and a longer-term model that will stop you worrying about your suppliers and the contribution they make to your business, please get in touch. We won’t bite and may have some ideas and fresh perspectives that unlock the potential of your SIAM model.
We have been in business for 25 years and are helping companies and organisations across several market sectors to modernise their Service Management strategy and focus to be effective in a Digital, DevOps world.
If you would like to discuss how iCore can help you then contact us on +44 (0) 203 821 1252 or email us at