iCore Ltd

Keeping businesses moving …

The SLA Is Dead

An image presenting a handshake of two people wearing a suit.

In CIO.com recently I read that the SLA was no longer relevant which I tested with my colleagues here in iCore and they pretty much agreed, but that was an old style SLA where everything is green but it doesn’t feel green.  Today the focus has to be on the customer experience using a happy customer index (HCI) where we measure satisfaction with the things that matter and measure more frequently. 

How many organisations are still unable to fulfil Joiner, Mover, Leaver requests effectively?  How many office moves end up with equipment that doesn’t work properly?  How many changes take too long, overrun, and don’t deliver what was required? How many repeat incidents do we get where the fix should be straightforward?

Improve the customer experience and they won’t build up a Shadow IT organisation.

We’d be interested in discussing this with you, so we can help you improve customer experience and remove Shadow IT as a potential challenge before it becomes a bigger and bigger problem.

Email – info@icore-ltd.com  

Phone – 0207 868 2405
